Healing is coming back into connection. A remembering of our innate belonging.
Healing is not about getting over something and moving on.
It’s not about pushing, forcing or doing.
It’s not a linear path.
Healing is a willingness and commitment to change. To altering perspectives, shifting core beliefs and relationships to ourselves and others. Practicing new ways of being.
Healing is about allowing, honoring, surrendering, releasing, reclaiming, trusting, receiving, and expanding.

Allowing yourself to feel and be with what is.

“Healing is what happens when we come to our edge, to the unexplored territory of mind and body, and take a single step beyond into the unknown, the space in which all growth occurs.
Healing is discovery.”
Creating a space of permission for all parts of yourself to be seen, heard, acknowledged, and validated. It’s about developing compassion for yourself.
Healing is a reclamation of whatever you feel has been lost or taken from you.
It’s about restoring access to pleasure, awe, joy, wonder and delight.
Healing is escaping the binaries and building the capacity to hold the complexity of our experiences and multiple emotions and realities that can exist at once.

You are not broken and you don’t need to be fixed.
Healing is facing and feeling our shame, sorrow, anger and fears. Exploring the armor and hardening we have formed to survive and keep ourselves safe.
It’s about honoring this armor and hardening, honoring our bodies and the deep wisdom they carry.
Healing is being the parent that you always needed to the hurt child parts that live within you.

Healing is about prioritizing rest.
Learning to slow down enough to develop the skill of tuning into our bodies and it’s impulses and desires. Learning to move with our bodies natural cycles. Healing is about connecting to and celebrating our desires, who we are and our unique gifts. It’s about letting go of what we cannot control, and surrendering to what is.

Letting go of the idea that there is a right way to feel, a right way to have a body, a right way to exist.
It’s moving on from spaces and people who do not support us, and into relationships and places that do.

It’s a willingness to examine how we embody oppression and how we uphold systems of oppression.
Healing is about learning to tolerate conflict and remain in connection while conflict exists.
It’s taking responsibility for ourselves;
our actions, limits, boundaries, desires, needs, feelings, and pleasure. Not blaming ourselves for other people’s choices and not blaming others for ours.
Healing is about self-forgiveness.
It's living in right relation to the earth, other people, and ourselves.

It’s about cultivating a deep trust in ourselves and building trust with others.
Healing is about connection.
Connecting to nature. To our breadth and bodies. To each other.

Making time to play, create and express.
Healing is about learning to ask for help and cultivating the ability to receive help, care, support and love from others.