The Space I Hold With & For Cis-Men
Cis-men are greatly harmed by the patriarchy/dominator culture. All people are affected regardless of their gender, and the conditioning and socialization of men is different than people of other genders.
Men are conditioned and taught to suppress and hide emotion.
Overwhelmed by a constant pressure to perform.
Told to man up. Robbed of the great gift of crying which supports the release of stagnant and traumatic energy from our bodies and move through big emotions.
Taught that seeking support is a weakness.
Encouraged to claim ownership and take what they want.
Patriarchy promotes hetero male hierarchy over women and the LGBTQIA community. Justifying and encouraging dehumanization of them, leading to entitlement and violence.
Men are taught to prove their manhood by denying their humanity. This deep disconnection from their emotions and bodies blocks men from experiencing intimacy with themselves and others.
This results in unconsciously, or consciously, pushing and crossing boundaries. Subtly or overtly entitled, aggressive, or violent behaviors.
This results in depression, self-loathing, loneliness, unsatisfying relationships and sexual encounters, addiction, health issues, a sense of not belonging, and suicide.
I work with men who want to unwind and untangle the patriarchy; the culture of domination, competition, and scarcity from their bodies and beings and have already been in the process of doing so. If you are interested in evolving in this way, reconnecting to and remembering your full range of emotions and humanity, then I will hold you through it with love and compassion.
I am continually in my own process of unwinding the dominator culture from my own body and being. Taking responsibility for how I have and do participate, and taking the necessary steps to heal into a new paradigm.
I work with men who want to be accountable to how their choices impact their own bodies, heart, and the world around them. Who desire to live a life in integrity and rooted in love. Men who want to co-create a new world based on consent, reciprocity and mutual reverence. Who desire to embrace and celebrate the divine feminine and masculine energies that live within them, and all of us.